My JourneyWho am I?
Texas born. Oklahoma raised. Now an Island Girl through and through.
I was a 4-Her, a basketball player, and a dancer.
I have been a scuba diver, a snow skier, and a sailor.
I am a wife, a sister, a daughter, an aunt, and a Granny.
I am a Healer and a Kabbalist. I will be a Teacher and a Guide. I will be a Warrior for the Light—for the good that is in this world, and within all of us.
But at the center, I am a Provider. I serve as I give and as I share, so others may rediscover and live their true life.
Simply put, I am here for You.
That is Who I am. That is What I am. That is Why I am.
My spiritual journey has taken me to the Modern Mystery School. Through training there, I am finding greater joy and meaning in my life and a desire for service to others. I am a Certified Healer and Life Activation Practitioner through the Modern Mystery School.
Discovering what I am about during this journey has brought me back to my center, and I want others to experience what I have. My mission and purpose is to help others live their best life – to live the life they were meant to live.