Schedule your Time

“Every piece of the universe, even the tiniest little snow crystal, matters somehow. I have a place in the pattern, and so do you.”

–T. A. Barron

Have you ever asked yourself:

  • Why am I here?
  • What am I supposed to be doing?
  • What can I do to change the world?

We all come into this world with a mission, a divine gift of purpose. There are some who come to know their purpose early in life. There are others, like myself, for which that realization comes later in life. For me, that wasn’t until I was 64 years old.

As we grow from babies, into toddlers, into children, into teenagers, and finally into adults, we are exposed to experiences and belief systems that can cover up who you are. You, and your purpose, have not disappeared; they just need to be uncovered.

You are an individual—doing your own thing, being your own self. But you are part of humanity and the collective consciousness, and your place matters. What you do, say, and think matters.

So, how do we find our unique place in the world?

Be open and receptive

There will come a point where you begin to see synchronicity in your life. Events will occur that, at first, don’t seem to be related, but are in fact meaningful. Pay attention. Listen. Feel with your heart.

Be discerning

See clearly and intelligently. Research, ask questions, seek advice. Through this process, you will find what resonates with you and what does not. You will find what is true and what is not. You will find what to keep and what to let go.

Let go

Start peeling away the layers and get down to who you really are. A tool to start the journey toward rediscovering your true self and your purpose is the Life Activation. This is an ancient modality, available through certified practitioners of the Modern Mystery School. It helps you release what you no longer need. It provides balance, awareness, and clarity in your life. It has the capacity to bring empowerment and healing and transformation.

Embrace and Embody

Go out into the world and embrace your purpose. Live the life you were meant to live. Every day, learn and grow and evolve. As you know better, do better, and be better.

For more information on the Life Activation, click here.

Love and healing,

Certified Healer and Life Activation Practitioner with the Modern Mystery School.